Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A teocalli (Nahuatl: "God-house") is a mesoameica pyrimid surmounted by a temple. The pyramid is terraced, and some of the most important religious rituals in Pre-Columbian Mexico took place in the temple at the top of the pyramid.
The famous, although no longer extant, Aztec Huey Teocalli ("Great Temple," Spanish, Templo Mayor) was located next to what is now Mexico City's main square, the Zocalo. A famous 1848 painting by Emanuel Leutze The Storming of the Teocalli by Cortez and His Troops," which Leutze pai
depicts "nted four years before his c
Delaware."The priests of the Aztec religion went to these temples to worship and pray, and make offerings to the gods to keep them strong and in balance.

Teocalli temple is still an exhibit for visitors to visit now and day. Teocalli is a beautiful place to visit in the summer,the sun shines up and the grass is short and very green. Visitors visit the temple mostly in the summer because of the hot weather.

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